Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not Forgotten

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten my blog....I have just been trying to keep my priorities straight. Between the holidays, wonderful visits with family, sickness, and more, blogging just hasn't been able to be at the top of my list.

I was finding myself sitting up until 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. writing on my blog (which I absolutely love), and then being tired and cranky the next morning. Even my morning coffee didn't always help (can you believe it?!). Finding time to sit and think and write is my biggest challenge. When I am at the computer, Halle wants to be typing with me. As much fun as that is, it isn't very conducive to writing. So, I am trying to rethink and rework my schedule so that I am putting the Lord and my family in their proper place, and putting my writing and music in its proper place.

I am planning to start posting again, not daily, but on a more regular basis. I hope that you'll check back when you can. Thanks for reading.


By the way, I've added links to my mom's blog and my sister's blog. They are both wonderful, and I hope you will check them out!