Monday, September 29, 2008

The Temperature Test

Do you like your coffee steaming hot, or do you prefer it iced? How about lukewarm? I like my coffee HOT! I do like iced coffee, but it is not really my favorite. Whatever your preference, my guess is that you prefer one extreme or the other, but you don't want it lukewarm. Maybe that's why you never see coffee shops advertising, "Special of the Day...Tepid Coffee".

God used this very truth to speak to a church about their spiritual condition. That is what I would like for us to consider this week. Instead of dealing with a different aspect of this each day, I would like to think about this topic all week, and in our hearts and minds, ask the Lord to help us apply it to our marriages, our families, our ministries and our music. The truth is, my spiritual temperature will affect all of these other areas. So, rather than concentrate on those individual areas, I should deal with my spiritual condition first.

Today, I would like for us to take a little test. There are 15 questions here. I'm sure there could be a multitude more, but these cover the basics. You may want to grab a piece of paper to write down your answers. On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself in each of the following areas (1 being "I don't really care", and 10 being "It's extremely important to me".) These results are for you to know, and no one else, so be honest with yourself.

Where would I rate myself on.....

1. Daily time spent reading God's Word?
2. Daily time spent talking to God in prayer?
3. Meditating on, studying, and memorizing God's Word?
4. Faithfulness to God's house?
5. Faithful service in the ministries of my local church?
6. Being a faithful witness for the Lord?
7. Faithfulness to tithing and giving to my local church?
8. Having a pure life and testimony?
9. Having standards of personal holiness in every area of my life?
10. Being right with others (kind, tenderhearted, forgiving)?
11. Being filled with the Holy Spirit?
12. Allowing God's Word to be the final authority in my life?
13. Striving to be the wife God designed me to be (if married)?
14. Striving to be a godly mother (if you have children)?
15. Honoring the Lord in and through my home?

Total Score (Out of possible may need a calculator!)

Check back tomorrow to see how you did!

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